The Art Inquirer is your source of news for the artist and the Art appreciator
Established in 2008

Sunday, August 19, 2012

World Photography Day 2012

The World Photography Day project was founded in 2009 and since then has grown to be global.
It celebrates photography not only as an artistic expression, but also as a medium that revolutionized the world as we see it and how we represent it - let's not forget the influences between painting and photography, especially in still-lifes.

 Photography has made possible to everyone to record moments of their lives, meaningful events, historical happenings. With recent technology it's possible to take a photo anytime at any place and share with everyone. It has become so common that we often overlook its importance.

 On April 19, the World Photography Day is celebrated by amateur and professional photographers worldwide. They capture scenes and moments that remind us how the world is beautiful and how life can be great. Around these days, the organizers of the project welcome everyone to enter the World Photography Day Competition 2012, with prizes to win.

 Video didn't kill the radio star and it didn't kill photography either.

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