The Art Inquirer is your source of news for the artist and the Art appreciator
Established in 2008

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Chris Gilmour The Carboard Master

Chris Gilmour is a british artist borned in 1973, Stockport, now residing in Udine, Italy.
His lifesize sculptures made of cardboard are of great realism.
Gilmour has exhibited his art at colective and solo shows, in cities such as Rome, Bergamo, Milan and New York.
The artist is represented by the gallery Perugiartecontemporanea, Padua.

Via ArtSnack


Unknown said...

That's made of cardboard? Very cool, thanks for putting it in the headlines at blogcatalog.

- Evan

Belinha Fernandes said...

Eu acho que o Peter Callesen já está também no Artsnack!!!:)
Eu agora não tenho muito tempo e actualizo pouco...e com pouco tempo ainda queria fazer mais um blog!!Sou mesmo tola!Não gosto de misturar os assuntos e depois dá isto!