The registration for the XVII Galeria Aberta is now open to all artists working in any medium.
Artists are welcome to submit a recently completed work, bi or tridemensional, including installations and other forms of art representation such as hybrids or mixed media, as long as fit for visualization by all audiences.
The artwork must be ready for presentation and the artist must be available if needed for eventual assembly.
Each artist can only participate with one piece.
The registration form should be submited before the deadline to, with an image file of your work in 300 dpi and 10,5x15cm format.
Works must be signed and identified in the back with the author's name, the title of the work, its dimensions, technique and year of completion.
Artists must send the artwork accompanied by the registration form together with a 300 dpi and 10,5x15cm format image file in digital support.
Entrants must use reusable packing when feasible and send the artwork to Museu Jorge Vieira - Rua do Touro, 33 - 7800-689 Beja, Portugal (Tue-Sat 10h00-12h30 14h00-18h00; Sun 14h00-18h00).
Other places that will accept works will eventually be announced.
Pieces with more than 1,5sqm (canvases, drawings,photos) and over 1m³ (sculptures) must be delivered and picked-up by the artist or representative.
Deadline for delivery is 10 October 2011 (previously 16 September 2011, but was extended). The bookstore Círculo das Letras, in Lisbon, is accepting the works.
Three prizes will be awarded and respective artworks acquired:
1600€ and an individual exhibition
800€ and an individual exhbition
400€ and an individual exhibition
Honourable mentions will also be attributed to selected works.
All artworks must stay during the exhbition and be picked-up until 20 days after its end, after which may revert to the City Hall of Beja.
The XVII Galeria Aberta is an art exhibition/contest promoted by the City Hall of Beja in partnership with the Escudeiros Gallery (Galeria dos Escudeiros).
It has in its main purpose to encourage the artistic and cultural development of the region and its inhabitants.
The exhbition will take place between the 12th November and 30th December 2011 at Galeria dos Escudeiros, Castelo-Casa do Governador and Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Beja.
For more information call: (351) 284 311 920.
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