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Established in 2008

Monday, February 18, 2008

Carlos Paredes and the Portuguese Guitar

Once in many years a person with a rare talent is born. That was the case of Carlos Paredes (1925 - 2004).
Son of the also well known Artur Paredes, he took the portuguese guitar to new levels.
Born in Coimbra, he inherits a family tradition of guitar players and although somewhat influenced by the popular portuguese songs and fado, he reinvents the way of playing the portuguese guitar, especially during a generation of the 60s, revitalized by new social and cultural concepts.
In 1993 he is diagnosed a myelopathy, which prevents him from playing in the last 11 years of his life.
The song that you can listen on the video is called "Verdes Anos" and was translated to english as "Tender Years".

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