The City Hall of Lisbon in partnership with its Social Services Department will present the exhibition "Olha Por Mim", featuring the artworkd of Tânia Bailão Lopes, a multisensory project born in the Instituto Politécnico de Leiria in 2009 with the collaboration of Josélia Neves, Clara Mineiro, expert of the Accrediting Department and Museums Qualification and twenty one experts from several museums.
After being exhibited from North to South of Portugal, the exhibition will include soundpainting for the first time, where music, poetry and sound effects will transmit subjective messages to the visitors. Walter Marcos, responsible for the sound area, has come up with specific sounds, while using an original theme by a former Sting's group keyboard player for one of the works.
After being exhibited from North to South of Portugal, the exhibition will include soundpainting for the first time, where music, poetry and sound effects will transmit subjective messages to the visitors. Walter Marcos, responsible for the sound area, has come up with specific sounds, while using an original theme by a former Sting's group keyboard player for one of the works.
In poetry, Josélia Neves used metafors such as "chocolate face" for describing a black character or "cherry face" to describe the countours of another character.
The soundpainting initiative was developed in collaboration with visual and hearing impaired people who guided the authors through its process by indicating what would work and what would not. It was noticed that even conditioning the perception through sounds, the interpretations of the artwork would differ.
"Olha Por Mim" is also a tactile experience with the objective of reaching all audiences, but especially catered for those with visual and hearing problems.
With the works of Mirtilo Gomes (Tânia's homonym), the "Olha Por Mim" exhibition will be inaugurated this March 15 (15h00) at the Social Services building of the City Hall of Lisbon (Edifício dos Serviços Sociais da CML), located in the Av. Afonso Costa, 41 - Olaias, and will include the lecture “Comunicar a arte trocando os sentidos: acessibilidade e inclusão”, presented by Josélia Neves and Walter Marcos. The artist will also be present, as well as Deodato Guerreiro PhD, a blindness and low vision specialist.
Watch the videos about the exhibition and visitors statements on this page .The exhibition can be visited until April 15, 2011.

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