With her work "Trafalgar Square", a 24in x 34in watercolour, the British artist Caroline Lees won the first place at The Sunday Telegraph Watercolour Competition under the subject The Great British Landscape.
Her work shows part of Trafalgar Square, placing in evidence two of the four lion statues sculpted by Sir Edwin Landseer and set on granite plinths, with the silhouette of London in the background.
The Art Inquirer contacted the artist who kindly attended the request to answer a few questions about her work and her participation in the competition:
TAI How did you find out about the Sunday Telegraph watercolour competition ?
CL I think in the paper. We take the ST. cannot recall, maybe something came up on my email?
TAI What were the reasons that made you want to enter the competition ?
CL Simply that I had this big watercolour (24 x 34”) which I was fond of and needed to get some air. I am rather short of w/cs just now. And only one or two of UK available for such a competition.
TAI The subject of the competition was The Great British Landscape. When talking about landscape, one usually thinks about countryside, fields, lakes, mountains, etc.
However you have decided to participate with a watercolour portraying two lion statues on Trafalgar Square with a London silhouette in the background. Why ?
CL We moved down here to London 12 years ago from deepest countryside. I absolutely love Trafalgar Square and have done six or more paintings (inc oils) of the lions since coming down here. Not much rural stuff round here to paint anyway!
TAI What was your reaction when you received the news that you were the winner ?
CL Astonishment, usually I never win anything. Also delighted and the hope that I might at last sell it! When framed it is a bit too large for most people.
TAI Has the fact of winning this art competition already led to any contacts, or do you think it will show results in the future ?
CL Well, it sold, straight away. But the main difference is that I have had congratulations from lots of people and those that already have my paintings are very pleased as it backs their choice.
TAI How important do you think that these initiatives are for artists, especially for emerging ones ?
CL Very, as it is so important in this game that your name gets known. However there is one comment I would like to make. Why do they never put the sizes in? That is so important, but they never do.
Caroline Lees attended life drawing at Colchester School of Art, trained at the Corcoran Gallery School of Art in Washington DC and attending master classes in oils and advanced drawing at the Slade School of Art in London.
Her work has been exhibited and is part of collections worldwide, as well as featured in publications.
Recently the artist had an oil painting of a rural English scene accepted for this years Summer Exhibition at The Royal Academy.