Organized by The Pastel Journal, America’s leading magazine devoted to pastel artists, the 13th annual Pastel 100 competition is open to all artists worldwide aged 16 or older (employees or associates of F+W Media, Inc., Jack Richeson & Co. Inc., or their immediate families may not enter).
Entrants can compete in 5 categories: Landscape & Interior, juried by Richard McKinley; Portrait/Figure, juried by Margaret Dyer; Still Life/Floral, juried by Peter Seltzer; Animal/Wildlife, juried by Dawn Emerson; Abstract/Non-objective, juried by Cecily Kahn.
The competition material can be submited online or sent through regular mail on CD accompanied by an official entry form.
Artists can enter all categories and there are no limits for the number of sent images; this doesn't mean of course that you can send several images of each work.
There's an entry fee of $20 per image, payable by credit card, check or money order.
All entries must be postmarked no later than August 15, 2011.
The Pastel 100 competition offers several prizes to its winners:
The pastel Journal Grand Prize Award: $5,000 Cash
The Pastel Journal Gold Medal Award: $2,500 Cash
The Pastel Journal Silver Medal Award: $1,500 Cash
The Pastel Journal Bronze Medal Award: $1,000 Cash
Several prizes in the form of pastel sets and pastel surfaces will be attributed by the Jack Richeson/Unison Pastels Category Awards, as well as a Special Award by the Ruth Richeson/Unison Pastels Award consisted of a set of Unison pastels (324 pieces, value $1,800) + $750 worth of Richeson Co. products.
All top prize winners and place winners will receive features in The Pastel Journal (April 2012 issue).
There will be 70 Honourable Mentions, with image and information about each painting published in the Pastel Journal magazine.
Carefully read the rules and the submission guidelines before entering the competition.
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